Online purchases, delivery, and logistics: a long way to go.
We all have witnessed a huge increase in online shopping and delivery services in the past few years, especially starting from the pandemic. Being fully aware of the dynamics behind the buyer’s mindset combined with a solid supply chain are the winning ingredients to succeeding online.

Buying online keeps becoming more and more popular on a global scale. Although Amazon and other e-commerce platforms were already widely used before the pandemic, after Covid the phenomenon has turned from need to habit, even for the least digitized population strata.
The lockdown fastened this process since other alternatives were not available, and nowadays all it takes to order online is a smartphone and an internet connection. As a matter of fact, the online marketplace has extended to a number of different products from a variety of industries, and a lot of firms have decided to invest in their own online shop and its potential to sell all over the world.
Nevertheless, not all that glitters is gold. New logistics players including the riders (delivering food and more) have had to face a series of obstacles, first and foremost the lack of a standardized legal framework. For the past 6 years, lawmakers have acknowledged the issue and recently started devising specific regulations. When it comes to logistics, the collective work agreement now includes porterage cooperatives working with large distribution centers, riders, and other key figures working in delivery.
All in all, regulating work contracts is just the beginning, and the laws will inevitably undergo a series of alterations before truly protecting the different logistics professionals involved.
This is why lawmakers need to lay out a legal framework that can evolve over time to legitimate the deliverers’ work and therefore create more job opportunities.
As mentioned at the beginning, a clear plan of action is a must for any business interested in establishing an online presence. If well managed, logistics can be of great support to a firm’s online endeavors, on the contrary, a poorly organized delivery system could be the downfall of a potentially winning e-commerce project.